Victoria Falls

The Smoke That Thunders


The iconic Victoria Falls attracts visitors from around the world. A UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the seven wonders of the world, the local people aptly call it ‘mosi-oa-tunya’ which means ‘the smoke that thunders’ in reference to the spray created by the falling water. The Falls stretch over 1700-metres, with sheets of water tumbling 108-metres into the rocky gorge below. The thunderous crashing is like applause to the beauty on display. A fine mist rises high into the air, falling to earth like raindrops and soaking onlookers. No one minds getting wet. 

When David Livingstone, the first European to see the Falls, first saw them he said, ‘scenes so lovely must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight’. Luckily these otherworldly views are not restricted to the angels. Hekaya would love to help you see them for yourself with one of our personalised tours.

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