
Forests, mountains and savannah to experience the big five


Laikipia, located in central Kenya, is a destination that should be on every traveller's bucket list. Its diverse geography includes riverine forests, the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kenya, and savannah grasslands, making it a hub of biodiversity with unique flora and fauna. Laikipia is home to various wildlife, including the 'Big Five' and numerous bird species. The region is also known for its community-led projects that encourage sustainable tourism.

Accommodation in Laikipia ranges from eco-camps to luxurious lodges, providing exceptional service and comfort. Activities in the area include game drives, walking safaris, bird watching, horseback riding, and cultural experiences with local communities.

Highlights include the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which has the largest population of black rhinos in East Africa, and the Laikipia Plateau, which boasts impressive views of Mount Kenya. A visit to Laikipia is an opportunity to experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of Kenya in a unique and unforgettable way.

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