Chobe National Park

Land of Giants


Chobe is sometimes called the ‘Land of the Giants’, a title given because it hosts the world’s highest concentration of elephants in the dry season. Up to 120,000 of these gentle giants form huge herds as they access the life-giving Chobe River and floodplains. The area along the mighty river is understandably popular; boat trips and game drives along it are magical, especially at sunset, when animals flock down to drink.

Further into the park and harder to access is the Savuti region in the southwest. Here an ephemeral marsh, grasslands and savannah woodland provide different habitat for a diverse range of big game. Caves in the hills here are adorned with rock paintings created by Khoi-San ‘bushmen’ in the early 19th century. Kasane is the main gateway to Chobe National Park and offers an authentic taste of modern urban Africa. A limited number of cultural excursions can be done here.

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